
A Comprehensive List of Open Source APIs for Archive File Formats

Explore comprehensive list of Open Source APIs for Archive File Formats, offering extensive capabilities for creating, managing, and extracting archives.

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Open Source APIs Offer Access to Archiver File Formats

The curated selection of APIs makes it easy to work with a variety of file formats, including archive, image, video, and audio. Whether you're developing a new application or integrating with an existing one, our APIs can help you simplify your development process and access powerful functionalities.

Explore the collection of Compression File Format APIs

Free Compression APIs for .NET

Free Compression APIs for .NET

Embrace the convenience and accessibility of open-source solutions, enhancing your project's performance and efficiency with ease. Simplify your file management process and maximize your productivity with our reliable .NET libraries.

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Free Compression APIs for Java

Free Compression APIs for Java

Open-source Java APIs empower developers to seamlessly compress and decompress popular archive formats.

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Free Compression APIs for C

Free Compression APIs for C

Discover the power of open-source C libraries as you seamlessly work with popular compression file formats. Embrace the convenience of our C libraries and unlock new possibilities for your file handling needs.

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Free Compression APIs for PHP

Free Compression APIs for PHP

Discover the versatility and efficiency of open-source PHP APIs, designed to empower software developers in effortlessly working with a wide range of popular compression file formats.From RAR to 7-zip, Zip to Tar, and GZip, File Format APIs offer seamless integration and powerful functionalities for managing and manipulating files efficiently

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Free Compression APIs for JavaScript

Free Compression APIs for JavaScript

Unlock the power of free open source JavaScript APIs, providing you with a seamless solution for generating and managing various popular compression file formats

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Free Compression APIs for Go

Free Compression APIs for Go

From compressing files into Zip, Tar, or GZip formats to extracting content from RAR or 7-zip archives, these APIs provide versatile functionalities to handle your archiving needs efficiently.

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Free Compression APIs for Swift

Free Compression APIs for Swift

Empower yourself with open-source Swift APIs that effortlessly handle the creation, reading, manipulation, and management of various popular compression file formats.

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